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1000+ Gripped With Ebola In Congo—Study

1000+ Gripped With Ebola In Congo—Study

There is an outbreak of an Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has surpassed over 1000 cases, according to the health ministry of the state. Out of 1009 reported cases, 944 cases are confirmed and 65 are probable cases of Ebola. It is considered to be the second largest Ebola outbreak in history after the Ebola outbreak in West Africa which cost lives of more than 11000 people, according to the report of World Health Organization (WHO).

The World Health Organization reported a rise in the number of Ebola cases after a few weeks of declining.  The organization said that an increased number of attacks on center for treatment and social unrest are the main reasons for an uptick in the number of active cases. The local militants, earlier this month attacked a treatment center for Ebola which involved the killing of security personnel. Up to now, the Ebola virus has not spread out of DRC’s North Kivu Province and Ituri provinces, according to the WHO.

There are no reported cases of Ebola infection outside the international border. It is being reported that approximately 96,000 have been given vaccines for Ebola in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The vaccines are also given to health officials working in South Sudan and Uganda, according to the World Health Organization.

According to Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, who is the regional director of WHO in Africa continent, apart from  the unfortunate and sad death of many people who have lost their lives, one should also look at the positive figure that more than thousands of people have been vaccinated and therefore protected from this deadly and fatal Ebola virus. He also added that his organization has been working in very unsuitable and challenging conditions, but with the help from donors and Health Ministry, they have been able to successfully save a thousand numbers of lives.

Hi, I’m Arleen Reyes

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